Scholarships available at the Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine are shown below.
(As of May 1, 2024)
Check the website for details ⇒ Scholarships
As part of the university education, the TA program was introduced to train able faculty members and specialists with experience in education.
Selected applicants are paid an annual salary of approximately 70,000 to 100,000 yen, depending on their work performance.
The RA program was introduced to improve young researchers’ research abilities as well as to enhance the research environment by encouraging outstanding students in the Master’ s Program to participate in research projects as research assistants at the Faculty of Medicine. Selected applicants receive an annual salary of approximately 500,000 yen based on their work performance.
Those students who are expected to complete the Hokkaido University Master’s Program and intend to take examinations for the Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, or government-financed international students (persons receiving MEXT Scholarship grants) are exempted from this fee but must include a statement to this effect when submitting the application.
As one part of the graduate school education, this program aims to provide students in doctoral programs (who have experience of working as teaching assistants (TA)) with opportunities to be employed as teaching fellows (TF) and be responsible for teaching subjects mainly in the School of Medicine sharing the teaching with members of the faculty. Annual rewards vary depending on the subject they are put in charge of, and an annual stipend of approximately 80,000 to 120,000 yen is paid to such TF depending on their work performance.
This program aims to strengthen the university education by providing economic support for graduate students and offering training opportunities on the path to become faculty members and researchers. As teaching assistants (TA), students in this program engage in educational assistance work in subjects provided mainly in the School of Medicine. The annual rewards vary depending on the subject a TA is put in charge of, and an annual stipend of approximately 70,000 to 100,000 yen is paid to such TA depending on their work performance.
The RA program was introduced to improve young researchers’ research abilities as well as to enhance the research environment by encouraging outstanding students in the Doctoral Program to participate in research projects as research assistants at the Faculty of Medicine. Selected applicants receive an annual salary of approximately 500,000 yen based on their work performance.
Doctoral students with outstanding research achievements have a chance to be employed as research assistants. Hours of employment depend on their research performance.
A student who achieved outstanding research performance may be employed as a fixed-term, specially appointed assistant professor.