Hokkaido University Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering


Clinical Medical Physics

Assistant Professor
Masaya Tamura
Hokkaido University Researcher Database

Assistant Professor, Medical Physicist
Department of Clinical Medical Physics, Graduate School of Biomedical Science and Engineering
Department of Medical Physics, Hokkaido University Hospital

License:Medical Physicist
Research Field:medical physics
Education Field:medical physics


Past work

  • Development of the good monochromatic X-rays source using the electron linear accelerator in Hokkaido University. (Ph.D. Course, Quantum Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering Hokkaido University, -2002)
  • 3-dimensional shielding design research for a spallation neutron source facility in the high-intensity proton accelerator project, present J-PARC. (Post Doctoral Fellow, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, present Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2002-2005)
  • Commissioning and management of the first TomoTherapy in Japan, and quality improvement of intensity-modulated X-ray therapy (IMXT) method. (Medical Physicist, 2005-2014)

Present work

    In Hokkaido University, we are researching lifetime attributable risk (LAR) as an "in silico" surrogate marker of the secondary cancer after proton beam therapy (PBT) and IMXT in pediatric patients. In order to select a method useful for patients from various radiotherapy modality, rapid presentation of the data of LAR, normal tissue complication probability (NTCP), etc. is important work of clinical medical physics.

Key Publications

Research Paper

  • Masaya Tamura, Hideyuki Sakurai, Masashi Mizumoto, Satoshi Kamizawa, Shigeyuki Murayama, Haruo Yamashita, Seishin Takao, Ryusuke Suzuki, Hiroki Shirato, Yoich M. Ito, Lifetime attributable risk of radiation-induced secondary cancer from proton beam therapy compared with that of intensity-modulated X-ray therapy in randomly sampled pediatric cancer patients, Journal of Radiation Research, 58(3), pp. 363-371, 2017

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