Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University

Career Options

Graduate students who have completed their Master's Programs start their career as specialists with advanced skills, or they pursue a doctorate.

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After completing the Master’s Program, students can decide whether to enroll for the Doctoral Program, toward becoming highly skilled researchers or finding employment as medical professionals in society.

(As of May 2023)


(As of May 2023)

Pursuing a doctorate

It is desirable that students who have completed their Master’s Programs pursue a doctorate, because they are still growing as students and researchers. Examination/admission fees are not required from students who continue their studies and research as doctoral students.

Message from a Graduate of the Master’s Program

Pursuing a doctorate

A place to develop your potential

Doctoral Student
Social Medicine Course, Department of Public Health
Master’s degree completed in March 2021


I worked as a Registered Dietitian at a hospital, and after completing a master's degree at another university, enrolled in the master's program at Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine.In the Department of Public Health I conducted nutritional epidemiology research and learned to judge various nutrition and health-related information. Guided by my professors, I researched the "Association between Protein Intake and Skeletal Muscle Mass among older adults," presented my results at academic conferences and submitted articles for publication.

I wanted to further improve my research skills, entered a doctoral program, and researched the “Association between low-carbohydrate diets and the development of diabetes mellitus.” The results are now analyzed and summarized in a paper. Research and report writing involve hard work, but provide a sense of accomplishment when a paper is accepted and published in medical databases. I wish to continue my research and write more papers. If you are interested, I recommend that you enroll in a graduate school.

(As of April 2023)

Nanumi Han

Finding employment

Faculty members of the Graduate School of Medicine help students find employment.

  Positions Businesses
Employment options for specialists
  • At medical institutions
  • At business organizations
  • In government and other public offices
  • Life science research
  • Medical/health administration
  • Development of medical equipment/drugs/food safety technologies

Message from a Graduate of the Master’s Program

Finding employment

Expansion of horizon: Obtained from the Academia

Master’s degree completed in March 2013
Working at the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development


In graduate school, I studied cancer cell invasion and metastasis using light and microscopy to Understand life phenomena on both the macroscopic and microscopic levels.
After graduate school, I joined several national scientific programs involving infectious diseases, carcinogenesis, and post-translational modification. I then considered to expand my fields by experiencing both clinical needs and scientific seeds.

I now belong to the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development and facilitate national basic research programs to resolve social issues in healthcare and medicine in the future. I have thus been working while applying my scientific visions cultivated since graduate school.

(As of April 2023)